Biomass Plants

Highest efficient solutions in Biomass Plants. Small, medium or large sized plants are designed according to specific Client’s requirements. Cattle manure, crops and agriculture by-products represent the biological fuel. Furthermore, by managing the waste cycle, energy comes from both the organic fraction (anaerobic digestion) and the secondary solid fuel.

Photovoltaic Plants

Turnkey solutions, from design to plant’s management, passing through construction, for:
Plants connected to the national grid, linked to incentive programs, subsidies, tariffs, metering scheme.
Hybrid plants connected to the national grid with battery storage systems, maximize self-consumption according to electricity needs of the user.
Off-grid smart systems for villages and business activities with no grid infrastructures with back-up units, such us diesel generator, etc.
Off-grid systems for rural, isolated or mountain areas with or without battery storage systems.

Micro Hydropower Plants

Design and Construction services for Micro Hydropower Plants, with options for turnkey solutions, including Run-of-River Plants and Remote-Controlled Facilities.